Revive your digestive, hormonal, and emotional health after complex trauma, chronic stress, and burnout.
Welcome to your Body Awakening!
the only trauma-informed health program uniting nutrition, somatics, and energy medicine for women
Like most women I meet, I’ve not only survived complex trauma, I come from a long history of it.
And for so long, I remained stuck in survival mode.
Overdoing. Undereating. People pleasing. High Achieving. Eventually my hyper-masculine ways led to crippling depression, anxiety, gut and hormonal dysfunction.
My body said “no more!”
Inside this course, I teach you everything I’ve learned about gut, hormonal, and mental dis-ease …from the lens of trauma, food, and somatics.
I take you through the process I used to heal (without medication) and have adapted to help countless women recover from the effects of complex trauma & stress over the last 7 years.
This program integrates teachings from energy wisdom, mineral testing, nutrition, and polyvagal theory to support you going from survival mode to thrival in your body…and life.
Your chronic symptoms are pain asking to be set free; they are an opportunity to rebirth and reparent yourself.
Let my story be proof of that.
For more of my story, education, and certification, go here.
Women who’ve endured chronic stress & complex trauma often have a high threshold for pain. While the mind may downplay it, the body always speaks the truth.
Are you stuck in survival mode?
You are struggling with hormonal dysfunction: from irregularity and intense PMS to PCOS, endo, fibroids, or PMDD
You have a history of chronic gut + digestive disturbances (bloat, bacterial imbalances, IBS, skin flare ups etc)
Your emotions feel unpredictable disturbing your life (anger, depression, anxiety, shame, etc) and straining your relationships
Your highly sensitive or empathic nature feels invalidated by traditional health and nutrition advice
You battle your weight, relationship with food, and/or feel overwhelmed with conflicting trends/advice
You’re struggling with symptoms of burnout like depression, low energy, and/or have a history of complex trauma.
You feel heavy, stuck, and physical tension/pain in your body - especially near menstruation
The bridge from survival mode to thriving (in your body & life) begins here.
Body Awakening was especially created for the unique needs of women recovering from burnout and complex trauma.
Here's how it can help you reclaim your body and wellbeing:
At your own pace, you will go through integrative modules focused on hormonal healing, gut/digestive detoxification (including parasite cleansing), emotional release, cycle-based nervous system regulation + more.
These are the key pillars to your healing and transformation.
Your history is unique and your healing journey should be, too. This course includes a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (+ a custom protocol!) for a deeper look into your hormonal, nervous system, digestive, and mental health symptoms.
You’ll also be supported in real time from our (4) live coaching calls held via Zoom and daily group messaging support in our Telegram chat.
Body Awakening is truly the most integrative program; incorporating your individual history, professional/community support, and guidance that is trauma-informed and practical.
What past students have to say…
“Working with the group I felt so connected and so supported. Nia did such a good job at holding space for all of us, and allowing us to feel seen and connected. I loved everything about it. I love that it was self paced in a way, and there was no right or wrong way of doing it. It really became a trust thing and just letting our bodies tell us what they needed. Although I wish I would have been longer, I do think that the time we spent has opened the door for the changes I was looking for! Thank you NIA! 💛”
Karla J.
“Not only does my physical body feel much better, I feel seen, held and witnessed in a way I never have before. If someone is considering joining this portal of a program I would just ask them to ask themselves, "Are you ready to completely transform your life by deeply understanding and healing your inner most wounds?" If the answer is yes, then make way for your new life, physically, emotionally and energetically because it will be there. THANK YOU NIA, you have influenced my life in such a profound way!”
Kelley S.
Your rebirth awaits you:
In between our live coaching calls, you’ll dive into modules grounded in science + ancient wisdom, incorporating weekly exercises, lifestyle shifts, and somatic practices for your ultimate physical and spiritual health.
Learn how to physically and energetically support your detoxification organs through somatics and drainage clearing.
Decode your emotional triggers, emotions, and patterns through NS tracking and designated regulating techniques.
Incorporate dietary, supplement, and lifestyle adjustments based off your HTMA test (included in this course). This test will show deep patterns in your NS, emotions, hormones, and more.
…with your menstrual cycle that is. Understand your unique cyclical patterns using the lens of the NS and nutrition.
What you eat is important — but so is WHEN and HOW you fuel yourself. Fine tune the necessary adjustments for your body’s needs for healthier hormones and gut health.
Teach your body the tools to feel safe in lighter energies like joy, peace, health, wellbeing. The truth is you cannot create sustainable shifts without regulation in between.
Learn how to safely and metaphysically detoxify parasites incorporating shadow work with supportive herbs.
Incorporate somatic release techniques to find groundedness in your expansion
Your gut doesn’t require a bunch of supplements to balance. Return to an ancestral way of life for balance.
Learn to harness your energy and find protection with somatic practices
Here’s what you can expect from this journey:
Improved Digestion + Detox
Reduce bloat and increase digestive regularity through holistic routines, dietary shifts, and NS regulating practices.
Reduced Menstrual Disturbances
Through a bioenergetic approach, you’ll begin to reverse the symptoms of PMS, PMDD, and other signs of hormonal duress.
Emotional Regulation
You’ll understand your emotions from a mind-body + spiritual lens, alongside the tools and practices to support your continue regulation.
Increased Clarity + Intuition
You’ll gain confidence and ANSWERS through your included TMA test results and bio-energy medicine.
Your body isn’t broken. You aren’t doomed. You’ve just not yet learned the proper tools to regulate and rewire your unique nervous system, mind, and body.
I’ve spent the last 10+ years learning the body through the lens of trauma, energy, and somatics to become the guide I wished I had.
Body Awakening is like having the knowledge and expertise of a somatic practitioner, holistic nutritionist, and energy medicine healer all-in-one.
We start the week of 6/24!
We start the week of 6/24!
Pay in Full
✓ (4) live group coaching calls w/ Q+A
✓ (10) modules + lessons to integrate our time together
✓ Lifetime access to all content
✓ HTMA testing w/ custom analysis and protocol (an exclusive service not regularly offered, valued at $200! )
✓ Personalized supplement guidance for remineralization, hormonal, and detoxification support
✓ A trauma-informed and cohesive healing container uniting somatics, nutrition, and energetic wisdom for your healing
✓ 10 weeks of Telegram chat access for all your questions, accountability, and connection with other likeminded women
Payment Plan
2 x $400
✓ (4) live group coaching calls w/ Q+A
✓ (10) modules + lessons to integrate our time together
✓ Lifetime access to all content
✓ HTMA testing w/ custom analysis and protocol (an exclusive service not regularly offered, valued at $200! )
✓ Personalized supplement guidance for remineralization, hormonal, and detoxification support
✓ A trauma-informed and cohesive healing container uniting somatics, nutrition, and energetic wisdom for your healing
✓ 10 weeks of Telegram chat access for all your questions, accountability, and connection with other likeminded women
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
Both! You’ll receive access to (4) coaching calls, held every Thursday 12:30 pm PST for approx 60-75 mins. If you cannot attend live, our class will be recorded for lifetime access. In addition, you will have access a library of modules with practical somatic practices, lessons, guides, and videos.
Not at all! This is a journey for women, intentionally designed to be tailored for what YOU desire. Burnout, stress, and complex trauma manifests differently in each of us.
You’ll receive tailored recommendations through the inclusion of our HTMA testing kit & personalized protocol! If you’d like to consider private work, please look at my “VIP immersions”
Both. Health IS spiritual. My work is rooted in my Master’s in Nutrition, somatic, trauma-informed, and energy medicine training. We need both sides for sustainable transformation.
Shoot me an email at