Sojourn Healing Collective Coming this Fall!

So for those of you who saw on social media and last week's post, I posted about joining Sojourn Healing Collective as a yoga instructor. The space is tentatively set to open in the Hillcrest area of San Diego come this fall. I interviewed three of the partners opening Sojourn; Melanie Esperon, from Reiki Room, Virgil Sim from Sim Massage, and Whitney Yarnall, a Yoga Instructor but also, the woman who had a vision and ran with it! See below to learn more about this awesome space!

Talk to me a little about Sojourn and your vision for it.

Melanie: With so many practitioners with their own private practices, we realized that our clients were traveling to so many different locations for healing. We wanted to bring everyone together under one roof to create accessibility for healing the mind, body and soul.

The ultimate vision of Sojourn is to be a supportive community of gifted healers, teachers and students of life; inspiring truth and self-realization in one another. With Sojourn's unique extension of the traditional yoga experience, we combine physical movement and restoration with alternative healing techniques (yoga, meditation, reiki, massage, intuition, nutrition, chiro, acupuncture... list goes on). Clearing creates Clarity where we can then guide participants to realize their greatest potential from within.

Was there a single moment in which you knew this was your next? If so, can you recall it?

Whitney: There was not one clear moment for me, it was almost as if the universe was leaving me a trail of puzzle pieces and I picked up everything that I needed along the way. I spent a lot of time becoming clear on what I wanted, and how I wanted my life to feel. The rest slowly fell into place over time.

What is your life's current intention or theme?

Virgil: My current intention is to bring hope, peace and love to the forefront.

For those resistant to tapping into their spiritual side, what would you like to say?

Melanie: I say, "show up when you are ready". You can't force anyone to be ready to face themselves... it can be a hard process just acknowledging the past and root causes of mental/emotional/physical pain and illnesses. Once they decide that they are ready, WE begin strong... touching on mind body soul simultaneously.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Melanie: Animal style in and out fries. Those are so bomb!
Whitney: I love Swedish Fish!!!
Virgil: I love coconut ice cream!

If you'd like to keep up with the opening of Sojourn and current classes being held in their temporary space (True Motion), like them on Facebook or follow on Instagram: @SojournSanDiego

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