So What Is It That I Do? And Why?

So what is it exactly that I do for a living? This has been a question that I've been truly asking myself for the past couple of weeks. I have a variety of "tools" in my toolbox but trying to efficiently explain my work to others has been a challenge. I believe that that all of my skills serve meaning to my goal of creating Eclectic Wellness, which is to create true, life-changing transformation. So to understand my vision, I think it's best if I start from the beginning...

At a young age, I dealt with some pretty heavy sh*t. Most people don't know this about me but my biological mother gave me up at birth and I didn't know who she was until I was 20 years old (and it turns out she was a family friend I grew up around my entire life) Thankfully my dad's family took me in at birth so I was raised by my aunt (but I call her mom) and my grandparents. Unfortunately, my dad was young, got into some trouble, and landed himself in prison for a good portion of my childhood. While my family is/was EXTREMELY loving and supportive, I grew up around a lot of drama. Mental illness and addiction (alcohol + drug) runs heavily in my family so I was exposed to things I only hope my children never know. I believe in some way, psychologically, I used my weight to hide myself from it all, to make myself invisible. My family, like most American families, also lacked proper nutrition education so I ate whatever I wanted. I can specifically remember a time in 8th grade, looking at the scale reading 220 pounds and being proud I lost 5! I followed this by me looking at myself wishing I could erase 100 pounds off my body, remove my many freckles, and turn my green eyes to brown. I didn't want to be me. I didn't want to be different than my peers. Yet at such a young age, I KNEW (I could feel it in my bones) that everything that made me different (from my family situation to my appearance) would be my driver to success. I always dreamed of being famous and being interviewed about my story (STILL manifesting that haha).

For all of my life, I have always been the one others turn to, as if I had "the answers." I've only been on this planet for 26 years but I have been subjected to many situations/lessons that I fully believe support the work I'm most passionate about. I now realize my journey has given me the gift of TRUE empathy and non judgment. I KNOW what it feels like to be lost, dealt a bad hand, overweight and trapped. So essentially my life's work is to help others transform and overcome the same physical and mental tribulations as I have had to. So my sessions focus on the following:

I am (almost officially) a holistic nutritionist (1 class to go!) I believe that if we want change in any area of our life whether that be physically, energetically, or both, we must take a look at what we are eating as food is PURE energy! It can be our medicine OR the cause of disease. I DO NOT believe in diets. My approach in guiding clients is based on the concept of Intuitive (or mindful) Eating and is plant based. This does not mean I make clients convert to a vegan diet but rather all meals be based around plants (fruits, veggies, nuts, etc) before other food groups are added. I personally still eat fish (because the benefits to your gut and brain health are endless).

I teach yoga because I love it. It was my gateway to exploring my spirituality, energy work and taking care of my body beyond the physical aspect. The practice of yoga goes far beyond our work on the mat and that's what led me to me becoming a Reiki Master. Energy is created and released on the mat, often referred to as that "yoga high" we experience after a great class! I get to create that feeling for others by teaching this practice and also through reiki sessions. The way I describe it is that feeling when someone plays with your hair, but for your entire body + you clean the gunk attached to your energy field! WIN-WIN. If you've never tried it, I HIGHLY recommend booking a session! It can be done with little to no touch.

TRUE transformation begins from within. About five years ago, I noticed that I still didn't feel good on the inside despite my drastic weight loss. I still carried the confidence level and low vibration that I had at 225 pounds. **This is still something I am healing. When I began to do the inner work through energy healing (angel readings, reiki and yoga), I noticed shifts both physically and mentally. It was almost like I was getting to know my soul for the first time! Still to this day, I keep learning more and more about my inner being. I don't think this work is ever truly finished, otherwise we'd all be enlightened beings. However, I do believe I am here to help facilitate others on their healing journey with the bits of knowledge I've picked up on the way.

So I hope that cleared things up as to what I offer! If you have any other questions about reiki or nutrition guidance, I am an email or text away and would LOVE to help you heal as I have!

XO, Nia

My Bali To-Do List: Ubud


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