Being a Military Significant Other

In my last post, I talked about being mindful. For those of you who don't know, my fiance is a Rescue Swimmer in the Navy. With our first (and only - thank God) deployment together, mindfulness is essential. As stressful as wedding planning is, I'm trying to enjoy this time as it's truly the most consecutive time we have spent together in a long time... and it's only been 3 months. As far as 2017 goes, I believe we have 9 weeks left together.

I don't write this post for your pity or guilt, but really to share the reality. It's not just the 8 months of deployment that these men are away from their loved ones. They spend months and weeks on detachments. Detachments are usually training or work-ups to prepare for the deployment, and more time spent away on a boat or in another city. Could you imagine being away from your significant other for that amount of time? No texting, maybe monthly video chatting, and primarily communicating through email (daily, if you're lucky). I won't lie, it terrifies me thinking of it. With the way our world is, and the recent addition of our lovely president, how could I NOT be?

I write this post for those not in my situation or anything similar to it, to appreciate your loved one. Kiss and hug them a little harder. Cherish that moment in bed, right before your day starts, when you wake and see their face next to yours. Put your phone down. As Baron Baptiste states, "We are here or we are nowhere." So be here for you and your person.

Of course I knew that our relationship was bound to be deprived of complete normalcy, but you do anything for true love. My fiance is my best and truest friend, and if I have to pause our normal life for 8 months, then so be it.

Gratitude is the Key to Happiness


The limitless possibilities of Zucchini!