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Are you carrying energetic weight?

If you follow me on instagram, you’ve probably seen me write or speak about the concept of energetic weight.

I’ve also uploaded a podcast episode on it!

It’s a concept I was first introduced to in 2018 by Marianne Williamson’s book, “A Course in Weight Loss,” a spin-off of the popular “A Course in Miracles.” Though I don’t think she verbatim explains her teachings as “energetic weight,” reading her wisdom was validating a concept I had felt deep within me, yet didn’t know how to eloquently explain it…

As we know, everything is energy.

Our thoughts, the food we eat, the emotions we feel, our environment all exude an energy- one that will either lift us up or weigh us down. Higher energies are the energies we want to experience like joy, happiness, love, inspiration, etc. While lower energies or vibrations are those like depression, hate, greed, guilt…

Neither are good or bad, by the way. They just are.

Of course, it might feel better to live in high vibration energies, both are necessary. A way we can check in with the frequencies we are living in are checking in with our emotions.

Yeah, I’m talking about getting in touch with your feelings.

…and that’s okay if that seems scary, that very fear is an emotion which has a lot to reveal to you. Now when I speak of “energetic weight,” I’m referring to heavy emotions creating heaviness in your heart and on your body. As someone who has struggled with her weight in the past, I can say that I know what it feels like to feel trapped in my own skin. All you want to do is hide and not cause attention to yourself. Food becomes comforting & it’s this love-hate relationship. While it soothes you from loneliness or heartbreak, it’s only temporary and food thus becomes the source of something that leaves you feeling guilty and more embarrassed of yourself.

And if you’ve dealt with binge eating, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

In your effort to hide the vulnerable parts of yourself, what really happens is we can literally wear those heavy emotions. That energy has to go somewhere and what I’m basically saying is that your shame, guilt, and pain etc. can literally manifest into pounds. This might feel very real for those of you do “all the right things” to lose weight or live healthier, yet see no progress. Your conscious mind so badly wants to step into confidence & end the war with food and your body. On the other hand, your subconscious wants to stay hidden, is deeply afraid of being seen, and may draw negative associations to such.

And this is how and why self-sabotage enters the picture.

Now, I’m not saying that weight loss = automatic happiness and confidence. I don’t believe that in the slightest. What I am saying is that if we don’t heal those heavier energies, even if you lost 100 pounds, you won’t ever feel light.

What even drew me to Marianne Williamson’s teachings was because I noticed for years, even after losing 80 pounds, I still felt like I carried this “sludge” on my body. I didn’t use the scale, yet I still felt this heaviness that I couldn’t release. When I began my spiritual journey with my body and food, I started to notice a deeper comfort living in my body.

I, at most, dropped 5 pounds and that feels like an exaggeration, honestly. But the freedom and ease was mind boggling. It’s like I shed a layer of old, heavy energy and got closer to my inner self. So here’s a few things to keep in mind when it comes to energetic weight:

  • Sometimes it might not even be OUR heavy emotions we’re carrying, it could have passed down from your family and/or toxic relationships

  • The “weight you need to lose” might not even be on your body

  • Lasting weight loss should come as a result of a deeper healing journey

  • If you’re struggling with your weight, you have to get in touch with what exact energy or emotion that you’re really in search of …and start healing the blockage that’s getting in the way of that.

  • In short, weight loss will not fix your problems.

  • Ask yourself (in addition to food), what kind of energy are you consuming? And does it pass through you or weigh you down?

And here are a few ways in which I recommend healing on releasing that heaviness:

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Reiki or other energy healing modalities

  • Therapy or something similar (but make sure you get a good therapist that is HOLISTIC, check out my friend Maria for all you California residents)

  • Breathwork

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Yoga

  • Somatic healing techniques (youtube it or find a practitioner in your area)

  • And if you need help with both your nutrition and spiritual healing, I encourage you to check out my program. I genuinely created this business to help women condense the 10+ years it took me to find true food and body freedom.

    I hope that shed light to a topic that I feel like isn’t talked about as much as it should. I see the health and wellness industry touching upon spiritual wellbeing lightly, but my belief is that when we heal from the inside-out, it is inevitable we will transform- physically and emotionally.